As a charity we aim to:
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Don't you want to?
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OPEN is also home to a number of other service providers and we like to highlight their great work and working together for the benefit of children and young people. Please see what they are doing!
1The Prince's Trust
We provide practical and financial support by developing key workplace skills such as confidence and motivation. We work with teenagers aged 13 to 30 who have done poorly at school, have been in care, have been unemployed for a long time or have problems with the law. Since 1976, we have helped over 600,000 young people and support another 100 every day. More than three out of four young people we helped last year have moved on to work, education or training. Around one in five young people in the UK are not in work, education or training. Youth unemployment costs the UK economy £10 million a day in lost productivity, while youth crime costs £1 billion a year.
2Culture Works East
At Culture Works East we specialise in using the creative arts (film, music, journalism, beatboxing, musical theatre, dance, drama, animation, photography and more) to engage and inspire young people and adults. We have strong links in the industry and our staff are experienced creative industry professionals and young people. We have particular expertise in engaging and working with hard-to-reach young people, as well as extensive experience in this area.
Our work is always high quality, effective and resourceful.